Thursday 28 November 2013

Fast action writing

I was captured in the small, stuffy room by the policeman who was smoking in front of my face. The policeman slapped me harshly twice and questioned me. I was frightened with fear. I saw savage polices and I thought I was going to die soon. The room was filled with silence and my expression of innocence. The policeman sighed, and struck my head into water furiously.

Sunday 24 November 2013

After 'Trash' drama performance

On Friday we had drama performance about the book Trash that we've read. Me and some other friends chose part 1 chapter 5 which was about three boys Raphael, Gardo and Rat going to the train station and opening the locker. Raphael was Wisesa, Gardo was me and Rat was Davin. Narrator was Catherine. Melissa did the role of changing music and background scenes. My part was not very much, so I easily memorized my lines. We performed in front of 7K. I was quite nervous at that time because everyone was watching me when I say my lines. So I don't think my voice was clear enough. But I'm sure that we used the spaces well. We got three chairs, to replace seats in train, and we used drawers to be lockers. After performing, we knew who was the winner. Our team was not the first, but I think we did great job on this. As Ms.Linzi said, our voice was not clear and loud. Maybe when I have drama performance next time, I might need to improve on speaking. Overall, I think our group performed well. I had great time.

Thursday 14 November 2013

Fundraising on Thursday

We did fundraising on Thursday, also. On Thursday, we sold 10 brownies, 10 risoles (thanks to Ms. Li) and about 30 biscottis. I tried one biscotti and it was quite good. We wanted to sell in break time and lunch time, but we thought that it will not sell very much as there is house challenge. Ms.Li's brownies and risoles were all sold in about 10 minutes. I really wanted to eat risoles but it has been all sold out. Biscottis were quite successful at first, but later people did not buy much. I think this did not sell much because biscotti is often eat with coffee, and many people don't know biscotti and how it taste like. We earned about 260,000rp. In addition with yesterday's work, we earned about Rp.1,080,000. I think cake stall was very successful, even though we thought many won't buy much. I am happy to donate this amount of money.

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Feelings about fundraising

Today we did fundraising in front of admin. Me, Melissa, Davin and Catherine sold macaroons, brownies, carrot cupcakes and popcorn. At first I thought they wouldn't sell so much. But very surprisingly, we sold all and many people wanted more. We earned approximately Rp 830,000. It was a large amount of money, so I was very surprised, but happy. It was very fun to sell something. It was like I am the owner of a famous bakery. I felt great when I saw our money earned. I also felt proud of myself for doing that much for poor people in Bantar Gebang. Tomorrow, our group is planning to sell brownies, thanks to Ms.Li, and waffle with ice cream on top. I look forward to make more money.

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Life Changing Events

During the course of the novel, Raphael, Gardo, and Rat learn that the world as they know it will never be the same. In what ways will it be better or worse for them? Have you had an experience that reshaped your life? In what ways have you changed due to this incident? 

In the better way and both worse way, it would be finding the bag and money. Setting was that three boys were poor.  But they somehow found hope. If they didn’t find it their life will be still the same. However, the incident started from Raphael finding the bag. Raphael, Gardo and Rat would not suffer if Raphael didn’t find such bag. Raphael’s auntie telling police that Raphael found something would be worse one. If auntie did not say anything, polices would not chase Raphael after and he doesn’t need to suffer. Raphael getting caught by police also is worse. Raphael suffered a lot from polices. He got blood everywhere. Opening the locker is a good one for three boys. It was dangerous for Raphael to open it, as polices were everywhere finding Raphael, but he was very brave and he did it. In the day of the dead, three boys found six million dollars. They lived happy with that large amount of money and changed their life happy. For me, I had one time when I saw smart students at famous university. They looked so cool and I wanted to be like them. So after that, I studied harder to become a student at good university. I think that one small incident could change my life.

Sunday 3 November 2013

Trash book review

I say Trash, by Andy Mulligan was very impressing book I ever read. The main characters were Raphael, Gardo and Rat who is living in dumpsite, and Jose Angelico, who was mystery. The three boys were very poor and had to live with trash everyday. For me, I would feel terrible if I had to live like that. Although their living was not so well, they didn't lose their hope and lucky day came. It is wrong that they stole someone's money. But they solved Jose Angelico's problem. I was deeply touched that even though they had hard times, they were persistent and got reward of six million dollars. I learned from this book, that if there are difficulties, there are always happy days coming. I want to recommend this book to everyone. I really enjoyed reading this book.

Summary of Trash

The book called 'Trash' is written by Andy Mulligan. It is about three boys, Raphael, Gardo and Rat(Jun Jun) who lives in Behala dumpsite. The problem starts, when Raphael find a bag with money inside the wallet, a map and ID card of Jose Angelico, houseboy in Senator Zapanta's house,living in Green Hills. Raphael surprised when he found such a large amount of money and wanted to keep them. Suddenly police came into town and they said they're looking for bag, which Raphael has. But Raphael lied and kept searching for bag. The three boys went to Central Station, to solve mystery of Jose Angelico. Rat finds a letter to Gabriel Olondriz inside the locker. It was full of mysterious numbers. It was dangerous, so three boys decided Rat to take the ID card and the money with letter. They came to Father Julliard, who runs the Mission School on Behala dumpsite and researched in computer. They knew that Jose Angelico is a poor dead man. The polices came to Behala and arrested Raphael. Polices kept asking where is the bag, and Raphael kept saying I don't know. Finally, polices let him free. Then Gardo wanted Ms.Olivia, housemother in Behala school, to visit his grandfather. But this was lie. Later Raphael, Gardo and Rat finds about what Jose Angelico did. Jose Angelico stole Senator Zapanta's money so that he was arrested, and killed when polices were questioning him. Also, three boys knew that they need a particular bible to read the codes, the mysterious numbers. They somehow got the bible traded with money from safe in Mission school in Behala. Then they unlocked the code, and realised the map's destination was Naravo graveyard, where there is money. The three boys found Jose Angelico's wife's grave, also with Pia Dante(Jose Angelico's daughter), which thought to be dead at first when three boys saw her grave. At last, Raphael, Gardo and Rat found the six million dollar, and left to Sampalo. They lived happy lives in the end.

Wednesday 30 October 2013

Personal feelings

I think that I am a lucky girl, having home, any materials I need, and enough money to buy things. For me it is very easy to spend money, but for the poor people, it is difficult. They don't even have adequate money to buy the necessary things such as food or cloth. According to the documentary on Youtube, it says that poor people survive on trash, which they can sell to the companies. But still, they earn about Rp 20,000 for three days working very hard. I spend my money, about Rp 100,000 when I go to watch movies and play in the place like timezone. The money they spend, is five times lesser than I spend, just for fun. I am regretful that I spent a lot amount of money for the entertainments. I should've take time thinking poverty and give donations rather than hanging out with friends. So I will contribute to helping poverty, with our project going, giving donations to them, giving old clothes that I don't wear or bring rice or noodle. Also when I go to the trash area that we will go, I will appreciate to be nice to the people.

Tuesday 29 October 2013

Thoughts after watching the documentary film

After watching the documentary film, in the classtime, I felt many things. First of all, The documentary was about one binman. He had his family, but he was very responsible at his work. His work was to clean up the drains and trash bins.

I felt pity and sorry for him, because after all, it could be my fault that I threw away too many things. I think I've been trashing too much. I realise that the more people become wealth, the more poor people lowers.

Also, I reflect on what I've been saying all the time, ' Why do I care about poor people? ' It was just one or two months ago, that I said I don't have any relationships with them so I don't need to help or donate them. Recently, my personal thoughts changed greatly. I knew that there will be no one, if I don't help. If I don't help, who will?

I know that poverty cannot be ended, but I realised that at least we should try to change some, with giving donations or influence people to help more.
Documentary site

What is Bantar Gebang like?

Bantar Gebang is Jakarta's dumpsite, gets more than 6,250 tones of rubbish every day from the capital, Jakarta. It was farmland twenty four years ago, but now animals graze on the piled trash. The crop provides food and money for 5,000 people, also what they call Bantar Gebang 'home'.

The workers are usually unskilled, spending their time on scavenging streets and landfills for their needs. If they are lucky, they find plastic or glass bottles, which then sold to the recycling factory. Children, some of them get to schooling, most of them labours with their families. There is only one school in the Bantar Gebang, which is named Yayasan Dinamika Indonesia. For some children who goes to school, quits school as they knew that they would earn money with searching through garbage bins.

There are many childrens who have dreams, but cannot achieve it, due to their life background.

info/photos from : (actually looked at it and it was Ms.Katrina's blog..)

Littered: Detritus is scattered on the ground at Bantar Gebang. Some children being raised there have high hopes for their future, others see their home there, at the rubbish dump.

Monday 28 October 2013

My Thoughts & Feelings

I feel pity to people who are in poverty. There are many people who really needs good materials and money, but the poverty cannot rely on country's economy. I really hope that poverty will decrease, as the economical system advances more and more. I feel that I should reflect on how I behaved to the poverty. I didn't care about them in the last few months, when collecting donations in valentine's day or free dress pass. I said like ' why should I give my money to them? They're not even my family or friends. They should solve their problem themselves. ' But then now, I carefully think about the poor people and their relationship between us. If we don't help them, they'll never be free from poverty. So my conclusion is that I should reflect on what I said and help, even it is just a small piece of cloth donating.