Wednesday 30 October 2013

Personal feelings

I think that I am a lucky girl, having home, any materials I need, and enough money to buy things. For me it is very easy to spend money, but for the poor people, it is difficult. They don't even have adequate money to buy the necessary things such as food or cloth. According to the documentary on Youtube, it says that poor people survive on trash, which they can sell to the companies. But still, they earn about Rp 20,000 for three days working very hard. I spend my money, about Rp 100,000 when I go to watch movies and play in the place like timezone. The money they spend, is five times lesser than I spend, just for fun. I am regretful that I spent a lot amount of money for the entertainments. I should've take time thinking poverty and give donations rather than hanging out with friends. So I will contribute to helping poverty, with our project going, giving donations to them, giving old clothes that I don't wear or bring rice or noodle. Also when I go to the trash area that we will go, I will appreciate to be nice to the people.


  1. I do not think you have to give up spending time with friends Jane but, spending money in positive ways is a good thing and giving time to the community and donating is also a great thing to do. Balance.

  2. I like how you set out your opinions, but I agree with Ms. Linzi, you don't have to change drastically, but always remember and try to help those that have it worse than you.

  3. Nice post I think this really reflects your opinions on poverty and also it does explain what you will do to help poverty.

  4. I agree so much with you. After reading your posts i feel guilty of myself now... Well nice layout and formating.

  5. i like your personal feelings in here, and i agree with you that were lucky and everything and for the poor is difficult.

  6. fantastic! i'm so proud of you that you reflected yourself :)
