Tuesday 12 November 2013

Feelings about fundraising

Today we did fundraising in front of admin. Me, Melissa, Davin and Catherine sold macaroons, brownies, carrot cupcakes and popcorn. At first I thought they wouldn't sell so much. But very surprisingly, we sold all and many people wanted more. We earned approximately Rp 830,000. It was a large amount of money, so I was very surprised, but happy. It was very fun to sell something. It was like I am the owner of a famous bakery. I felt great when I saw our money earned. I also felt proud of myself for doing that much for poor people in Bantar Gebang. Tomorrow, our group is planning to sell brownies, thanks to Ms.Li, and waffle with ice cream on top. I look forward to make more money.

1 comment:

  1. Is there anymore achievements you would like to see come true? I hope Jane that some emotion and ambitions would come out in your writing but besides that its all great.
