Sunday 3 November 2013

Summary of Trash

The book called 'Trash' is written by Andy Mulligan. It is about three boys, Raphael, Gardo and Rat(Jun Jun) who lives in Behala dumpsite. The problem starts, when Raphael find a bag with money inside the wallet, a map and ID card of Jose Angelico, houseboy in Senator Zapanta's house,living in Green Hills. Raphael surprised when he found such a large amount of money and wanted to keep them. Suddenly police came into town and they said they're looking for bag, which Raphael has. But Raphael lied and kept searching for bag. The three boys went to Central Station, to solve mystery of Jose Angelico. Rat finds a letter to Gabriel Olondriz inside the locker. It was full of mysterious numbers. It was dangerous, so three boys decided Rat to take the ID card and the money with letter. They came to Father Julliard, who runs the Mission School on Behala dumpsite and researched in computer. They knew that Jose Angelico is a poor dead man. The polices came to Behala and arrested Raphael. Polices kept asking where is the bag, and Raphael kept saying I don't know. Finally, polices let him free. Then Gardo wanted Ms.Olivia, housemother in Behala school, to visit his grandfather. But this was lie. Later Raphael, Gardo and Rat finds about what Jose Angelico did. Jose Angelico stole Senator Zapanta's money so that he was arrested, and killed when polices were questioning him. Also, three boys knew that they need a particular bible to read the codes, the mysterious numbers. They somehow got the bible traded with money from safe in Mission school in Behala. Then they unlocked the code, and realised the map's destination was Naravo graveyard, where there is money. The three boys found Jose Angelico's wife's grave, also with Pia Dante(Jose Angelico's daughter), which thought to be dead at first when three boys saw her grave. At last, Raphael, Gardo and Rat found the six million dollar, and left to Sampalo. They lived happy lives in the end.

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