Thursday 14 November 2013

Fundraising on Thursday

We did fundraising on Thursday, also. On Thursday, we sold 10 brownies, 10 risoles (thanks to Ms. Li) and about 30 biscottis. I tried one biscotti and it was quite good. We wanted to sell in break time and lunch time, but we thought that it will not sell very much as there is house challenge. Ms.Li's brownies and risoles were all sold in about 10 minutes. I really wanted to eat risoles but it has been all sold out. Biscottis were quite successful at first, but later people did not buy much. I think this did not sell much because biscotti is often eat with coffee, and many people don't know biscotti and how it taste like. We earned about 260,000rp. In addition with yesterday's work, we earned about Rp.1,080,000. I think cake stall was very successful, even though we thought many won't buy much. I am happy to donate this amount of money.

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