Tuesday 29 October 2013

What is Bantar Gebang like?

Bantar Gebang is Jakarta's dumpsite, gets more than 6,250 tones of rubbish every day from the capital, Jakarta. It was farmland twenty four years ago, but now animals graze on the piled trash. The crop provides food and money for 5,000 people, also what they call Bantar Gebang 'home'.

The workers are usually unskilled, spending their time on scavenging streets and landfills for their needs. If they are lucky, they find plastic or glass bottles, which then sold to the recycling factory. Children, some of them get to schooling, most of them labours with their families. There is only one school in the Bantar Gebang, which is named Yayasan Dinamika Indonesia. For some children who goes to school, quits school as they knew that they would earn money with searching through garbage bins.

There are many childrens who have dreams, but cannot achieve it, due to their life background.

info/photos from : http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2013/03/04/the-children-dump.html
http://www.welovejakarta.com/a-visit-to-bantar-gebang-landfill-school-bekasi/ (actually looked at it and it was Ms.Katrina's blog..)

Littered: Detritus is scattered on the ground at Bantar Gebang. Some children being raised there have high hopes for their future, others see their home there, at the rubbish dump.

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