Sunday 24 November 2013

After 'Trash' drama performance

On Friday we had drama performance about the book Trash that we've read. Me and some other friends chose part 1 chapter 5 which was about three boys Raphael, Gardo and Rat going to the train station and opening the locker. Raphael was Wisesa, Gardo was me and Rat was Davin. Narrator was Catherine. Melissa did the role of changing music and background scenes. My part was not very much, so I easily memorized my lines. We performed in front of 7K. I was quite nervous at that time because everyone was watching me when I say my lines. So I don't think my voice was clear enough. But I'm sure that we used the spaces well. We got three chairs, to replace seats in train, and we used drawers to be lockers. After performing, we knew who was the winner. Our team was not the first, but I think we did great job on this. As Ms.Linzi said, our voice was not clear and loud. Maybe when I have drama performance next time, I might need to improve on speaking. Overall, I think our group performed well. I had great time.

1 comment:

  1. bb Great Reflection in my opinon. I like this a lot!
