Tuesday 29 October 2013

Thoughts after watching the documentary film

After watching the documentary film, in the classtime, I felt many things. First of all, The documentary was about one binman. He had his family, but he was very responsible at his work. His work was to clean up the drains and trash bins.

I felt pity and sorry for him, because after all, it could be my fault that I threw away too many things. I think I've been trashing too much. I realise that the more people become wealth, the more poor people lowers.

Also, I reflect on what I've been saying all the time, ' Why do I care about poor people? ' It was just one or two months ago, that I said I don't have any relationships with them so I don't need to help or donate them. Recently, my personal thoughts changed greatly. I knew that there will be no one, if I don't help. If I don't help, who will?

I know that poverty cannot be ended, but I realised that at least we should try to change some, with giving donations or influence people to help more.

Documentary site

1 comment:

  1. Great thoughts and I like the way you are talking about the personal change that is happening in yourself.. More of that please!
