Wednesday 30 October 2013

Personal feelings

I think that I am a lucky girl, having home, any materials I need, and enough money to buy things. For me it is very easy to spend money, but for the poor people, it is difficult. They don't even have adequate money to buy the necessary things such as food or cloth. According to the documentary on Youtube, it says that poor people survive on trash, which they can sell to the companies. But still, they earn about Rp 20,000 for three days working very hard. I spend my money, about Rp 100,000 when I go to watch movies and play in the place like timezone. The money they spend, is five times lesser than I spend, just for fun. I am regretful that I spent a lot amount of money for the entertainments. I should've take time thinking poverty and give donations rather than hanging out with friends. So I will contribute to helping poverty, with our project going, giving donations to them, giving old clothes that I don't wear or bring rice or noodle. Also when I go to the trash area that we will go, I will appreciate to be nice to the people.

Tuesday 29 October 2013

Thoughts after watching the documentary film

After watching the documentary film, in the classtime, I felt many things. First of all, The documentary was about one binman. He had his family, but he was very responsible at his work. His work was to clean up the drains and trash bins.

I felt pity and sorry for him, because after all, it could be my fault that I threw away too many things. I think I've been trashing too much. I realise that the more people become wealth, the more poor people lowers.

Also, I reflect on what I've been saying all the time, ' Why do I care about poor people? ' It was just one or two months ago, that I said I don't have any relationships with them so I don't need to help or donate them. Recently, my personal thoughts changed greatly. I knew that there will be no one, if I don't help. If I don't help, who will?

I know that poverty cannot be ended, but I realised that at least we should try to change some, with giving donations or influence people to help more.
Documentary site

What is Bantar Gebang like?

Bantar Gebang is Jakarta's dumpsite, gets more than 6,250 tones of rubbish every day from the capital, Jakarta. It was farmland twenty four years ago, but now animals graze on the piled trash. The crop provides food and money for 5,000 people, also what they call Bantar Gebang 'home'.

The workers are usually unskilled, spending their time on scavenging streets and landfills for their needs. If they are lucky, they find plastic or glass bottles, which then sold to the recycling factory. Children, some of them get to schooling, most of them labours with their families. There is only one school in the Bantar Gebang, which is named Yayasan Dinamika Indonesia. For some children who goes to school, quits school as they knew that they would earn money with searching through garbage bins.

There are many childrens who have dreams, but cannot achieve it, due to their life background.

info/photos from : (actually looked at it and it was Ms.Katrina's blog..)

Littered: Detritus is scattered on the ground at Bantar Gebang. Some children being raised there have high hopes for their future, others see their home there, at the rubbish dump.

Monday 28 October 2013

My Thoughts & Feelings

I feel pity to people who are in poverty. There are many people who really needs good materials and money, but the poverty cannot rely on country's economy. I really hope that poverty will decrease, as the economical system advances more and more. I feel that I should reflect on how I behaved to the poverty. I didn't care about them in the last few months, when collecting donations in valentine's day or free dress pass. I said like ' why should I give my money to them? They're not even my family or friends. They should solve their problem themselves. ' But then now, I carefully think about the poor people and their relationship between us. If we don't help them, they'll never be free from poverty. So my conclusion is that I should reflect on what I said and help, even it is just a small piece of cloth donating.